Last night Frank and I went out for a night walk.  During the course of that walk, I realized that I need to make some lists.  I am going to start with a list of requirements for the next town that I want to live in, a list of things I want to buy that are non-essentials, and a list of jobs that I might want to work in.  The last list was kind of a last minute thought.

I also need to figure out what to do on my days off.  A day off is something to be cherished, to do something that I couldn’t do because I have that damn thing called a job to go to…  But here is the reality:

I wake up, and already Frank and I are planning what to for the day.  Not only is it our only day off together, but it is also our day to go out and treat ourselves to a meal.  We alternate in accordance to who got paid that week.  Now here is the problem that I have been noticing… We seem to have this propensity to stay out for about 6 – 8 hours.  That is way too much for me.  I would prefer 3 – 4.  But the problem is that when we first start out of the house and head towards our fun plans, I don’t even think about time.  I am just so damn glad to not be at work, to spend the day with Frank, to see something different, to eat a meal that we don’t have to make or clean up afterwards.  So for the first 3 hours I am happy.  The next 2 I am chill.  The last hour I am exhausted and oftentimes grumpy.  It happens every Saturday. 

I don’t know why I don’t change.  I think it partially because I know Frank spends more time alone in the house than I do.  In all honesty, I would love to spend more time in the house.  I damn well paid enough for it.  I also am never home. 

Take today, for example.  I woke up at 8:15, left the house by 9, went to a 9:30 yoga class, showered at the studio after class, got to work and had enough time to eat  and then clocked in at 11:45, worked until 8:15, and made it home by 8:45.  I pretty much spent 12 hours away from my house… And unfortunately, on the days that I combine yoga with work, that is a typical day. 

And that gets to me after awhile. 

There are alot of times that I just want to sit in my jammies and stay home.  I have orchids to tend to, my day gecko that is neglected upstairs in a guest bedroom, usually a basket or two of laundry… I never get any housework done.  How can I?  On our one day off together, we go out pretty much all day, and I get home so exhausted that housework is the last thing I want to do.  And my other day off is a mixed bag; anything could happen.

I finally tidied up my side of the walk in closet last night.  I have been meaning to do that for weeks.  There is alot of stuff that I want to do around the house; a few weeks ago, I emptied out three junk drawers; I have only managed to organize one. 

I am just going to do my best to make sure that we keep our outings to 3 – 4 hours… At least until I feel better.  These 12 hour days are killer.


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