The Irony Of Me

It’s ironic how I have drama in my life, when I honestly hate drama. 

Halloween Halloween…

Hehe it is kinda tough to be sleepy when I just got off of work!  I have to be there by 4:15am.  Oh well.  At least I am simply relaxing.  As much as it can be stressful, I really do like my job.  I like the people I work with, and that makes it worthwhile to go.  I am just glad that I had the wherewithall to NOT order a caffeinated bev to go.  I settled for an iced green tea latte, one of my favorites. 
My green treefrogs are doing well.  I got them a better mister, so they are properly hydrated.  My betta looks sad.  I think I might move his bowl. 
Really excited for Halloween.  Love love LOVE this holiday!  Definite favorite.  I even got an invite to a Halloween party! Yus.  I am hoping to gather some friends to hit up a haunted mansion… I have never been to one of those before, and I think it might be cool!  We will see.  I have my candy ready for the trick-or-treaters, Frank carved a pretty cool looking jack-o-lantern that is glowing outside on our front step as I blog, so… Halloween!!!

5 Rules.

1) No more high carb eating.  Really.  Yesterday I ate way too much carbs, and it made me feel so gross.  I will feel better, and I will lose weight.
2) Now that it doesn’t feel like an oven outside, I am going to exercise everyday.  Due to the high energy that I use at my job, that most likley means mere walking or biking, but I will take what I can get.
3) The drama needs to be ignored.
4) I am going to keep my mouth shut more.
5) I need to wear more stripes, ruffles, and collars.  Woot.

I Don’t Get It

Wow people can be so screwy.  I just got off the phone with my mum, kinda arguing about the fact that I have been living here in California for nearly 3 years, and not a single member of my family has flown out to visit me.  What the fuck?  I have flown back to New Jersey twice.  I know that it is a pain in the ass to fly out here or to fly out there.  My tickets weren’t cheap.  But, c’mon.  Whatever. 

Howl At The Moon

Ok… sleep didn’t really happen too much for me last night, which is funny, seeing that I just had written in my previous blog about how I was enjoying the new mattress.  I fell asleep normally, but around 2:30 am I awoke to what I initially thought was a bunch of people whooping it up at a nearby house, having a party.  Then I looked at what time it was, noted the day of the week, and as I continued to listen (we had our bedroom window open because it was nice and cool outside), I realized that that noise I heard wasn’t human. 
It was the howling of coyotes.  Man, it was creepy.  As I lay there listening to them, I thought about where they hung out during the day, and why I only hear them once in awhile at night.  Then I thought about the late night walks that Frank and I go on, and I got creeped out that the coyotes were most likely all around us, and we had no clue.  Eeep.


I had friends visit me at work today!!!  I like it when that happens…  Makes me feel like someone is thinking of me, and it also helps the long night at work pass by fastrer…

It’s FRIDAY!!!

Yay no work tomorrow!  Love it.  Going to be trained as a shift lead starting next week.  Found out one of my favorite co-workers is going to leave…  I am sad about that.  She is a great person to work with, and I only hope that we get another super competent person like her with a great sense of humor.  Luckily I have her phone number, and that she lives close by.  I am going to make sure to stay in touch…
I get so unsettled when I have dreams that seem so real.  Dreams also have a really great way of bringing to the forefront issues that are irking you.  However, I totally slept nearly 12 hours.  Maybe 11?  Whatever it was, I am glad I did.  I need a few days like that a week.  Good for ya. 

Blue Monday

This is one of a number of New Order songs that I can’t stop playing:
Blue Monday
How does it feel
To treat me like you do
When you’ve laid your hands upon me
And told me who you are

I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now how do I feel

Those who came before me
Lived through their vocations
From the past until completion
They will turn away no more

And I still find it so hard
To say what I need to say
But I’m quite sure that you’ll tell me
Just how I should feel today

I see a ship in the harbor
I can and shall obey
But if it wasn’t for your misfortunes
I’d be a heavenly person today

And I thought I was mistaken
And I thought I heard you speak
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now how should I feel

Now I stand here waiting

I thought I told you to leave me
While I walked down to the beach
Tell me how does it feel
When your heart grows cold
(grows cold, grows cold, grows cold)

A reminder

OK.  I just went through my chest of drawers, and came to these conclusions:
I do NOT need any more shorts
I do NOT need any more tees
I do NOT need any more pants
I do NOT need any more socks/undies (though my bras are kinda sad… I can get a couple new ones…that goes for a couple of more striped tights too)
I do NOT need any more shoes/coats/jackets/hoodies
A few nice new fancy blouses/corsets is about all I actually would like to spruce up my wardrobe.  Ok… if I find the coolest jacket ever, then  maybe… BUT THAT"S IT!!!
…and yes… no more collars, I have PLENTY.  🙂 
Sleeping is great.  I am going to do some more later…


East Coast.
West Coast.
Two totally different worlds.
One stuck in the middle.

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