30 Day Yoga Challenge

Tomorrow I am starting a 30 day yoga challenge at my yoga studio.  Mixed feelings here.  On one hand, I am excited, because I am doing something to keep me occupied, it will help me get healthier, and I feel like part of the yoga group at my studio.  On the other hand, I am lazy as all get-out and even though I know I need to do this, will I do this?  I also get tired from my job at Starbucks… So yea.

I am just going to go.  Even if I end up doing the dead bug, so to speak, on my mat I don’t care.  I just need to show up everyday, and the rest will take care fo itself.  I have been trying to think of what I am going to reward myself with once I complete this.  My yoga studio is going to give everyone who completes this free passes to give to friends or to use, a 30% discount on any one item, and a tee shirt commemorating our success at completing the challenge.  I have something in mind, a dragon-y thing, so I will keep my eyes on the prize and JUST SHOW UP.

I bet I will end up sick of that place once I finish :p

So, I will do my best to blog here everyday, no matter how brief, to keep myself accountable.

Sunday Bloopiness

Yay a day off!!!  I have been rapidly accruing large numbers of Trollbeads recently; there has been a rash of sales lately.  It all started out innocently enough; I saved up some cash, went to my closest TB retailer that was selling off all of their TB for 50% off, and bought what I could and supposedly that was that.

But it wasn’t.

Should I blog here how much I spent?  Or not?

I wil say not.  It was alot.  I started out with cash savings, and ended up using my credit card.  I don’t feel bad about it, I only feel bad in that I wish I had a better paying job.

I have since relinquished my credit card to safekeeping.  I am good and now I need to look over what I have and work with it, I still have a few more pieces coming in, man is it nuts.

Trollbeads has changed.  I have been snapping up as much of the older stuff as I can.  The newer silver isn’t as heavy, yet it costs the same.  I don’t blame them for the changes, this is what happens when you get popular and you need to find a way to still make a profit.  But it doesn’t mean that I need to buy it.  Sorta sad really, because I really love their stuff, much more than other modular jewelry designs out there.  Pandora is ok, but anything else I have seen looks so cheap.  There is a new one out, called Persona, and it looks horrendous.  I guess you could say Trollbeads is the Rolls Royce of this particular type of jewelry.  I lucked out discovering Trollbeads first. 

I have seen this with everything.  In my short time on our planet so far, I have seen alot of change with products that I buy.  I never really paid any attention when I was younger, but it is true: things are not made the way they used to be. 

I am willing to pay for it.  I want quality.  I don’t want a cheap piece of shit that is going to be thrown away.  I hate throwing things away.  When I think about the cheaply made clothing at Forever 21, which to me is to me is the pinnacle of cheapness, it is sad.  People seem to want something for nothing, which of course, I do too, but sometimes one has to pay.

Good food, good shoes, and a good mattress.  Never skimp on these, because in the end, your body pays for it.  As I am getting older, I see where I have not taken care of myself and I realize that even when you are young and don’t feel the damage right away, try not to take it for granted.  I see people waddling around, and they look terrible.  I see that more and more as I grow older.  I am told I look young for my age, that I have good skin… I do my best to take care of myself, I try to sleep as much as I can, drink as much water as I can, and wear more sunscreen. 

That reminds me.  I need to buy more sunscreen. 


30 Day Trollbead challenge

30 Day Trollbead challenge

I received a Troll treat from Tartooful today 🙂


My Trollbeads 30 Day Challenge

I decided to go for it and do the 30 day Trollbeads challenge where we had to come up with a different Trollbead combo everyday for 30 days.

I was surprised at how challenging this was.  My biggest issue was having to break up a really nice bracelet combo and changing it.  I realize that as much as I love changing it up, I like hanging onto a nice pleasing design for awhile, until it no longer fancies me and I change it again. 

Also, i absolutely do not like wearing a full bracelet.  I like only a few beads and I like them sliding around and all that jazz.  A full bracelet is just too much.  If I did end up doing a nearly full bracelet, I noticed how I would use my softer and drab glass beads.  I love my soft drab glass… They blend in and look great and tone down the intensity of a fully loaded bracelet. 

I also made up a few necklaces, fantasy necklaces, and I also used the bangle as well as my leather. 

But it was definitely difficult to come up with something everyday.



First half of my tiny yet awesome gold Trollbeads collection.


Trollbeads Design Challenge: Day 29



IMG_1670In these last days of the challenge I am trying to implement design ideas developed over the course of the past month.  The aim of the challenge was to rediscover the potential of my own collection, to break down my preconceptions of how pattern and colour could be combined, and ultimately, (hopefully), become a better designer.

IMG_1669It has been humbling.  I certainly discovered some shortcomings… both in my abilities and in my collection.  For example, I’d like to add some golden yellow to my palette.  I realized this after seeing the powerful complementary role it plays in fellow challenge designer. LeAnn Lowe’s incredible compositions.  Melinda Deyhle’s delicious combinations of blues and honeyed yellows made me miss a few beads that I have had and given up along the way.  I really must replace “Moon Ocean”, “Beach”, “Cool Dusk” and “Honey Dawn”.  (Some beads stay forever on my bracelet, others I…

View original post 231 more words

5 years

Today marks 5 years of working at Starbucks. 

I spent so much time. money, and energy on attaining a Masters in psychological counseling and I haven’t been in the counseling field for 7 years.  What a waste.  I am so out of touch that I would need to go back to school to get up to date. 

I loved counseling.  I love the field of psychology.  Instead of trying harder, because that must be why I don’t have a counseling job right now, I bust my ass for shit pay and end up running a huge debt on my credit card because I freak out over having no money.

Everyday, I try to keep myself together. I want everyone out there that might be feeling like this right now to know that I get it; all too well, I might add.  And I am so sorry you feel this way… It is absolute anguish sometimes and I wonder when time will just hurry the hell up and get us out of this.

I can’t blame anyone or anything… I don’t feel like carrying it anymore, is that ok to say?  I just want to put it down and leave it. 

Trollbeads Design Challenge: Day 22

Trollbeads Design Challenge: Day 22.