Trollbeads Inspiration: The Soft & Subtle Side of Spring 2013

Trollbeads Inspiration: The Soft & Subtle Side of Spring 2013.

Trollbeads Inspiration: Here comes the sun…

Trollbeads Inspiration: Here comes the sun….

a surprise charm

Apparently Frank’s parents got me my birthday present early; the Worth Avenue charm! Frank dropped off my charm bracelet to get the Vegas charm put on, and they secretly got me the worth avenue charm.

old boots, meet new boots.

New ones on the left 😉

I love this bracelet. I think i am finally brave enough to wear one.


Do you own jewelry that instantly makes you feel more of a woman, more powerful? In my case it’s my Tiffany Bone cuff.

You see, I remember the instant I noticed this bracelet in the pages of French Elle. I was 18 and fell in love with the sculptural design resembling a small modern art piece. To me, it was a statement, the kind of jewelry a Woman wears. I have bought and was gifted other Tiffany jewelry designed by Elsa Peretti since then, but the Bone cuff remained the one I coveted from afar.

And then came Valentine’s Day 2012. I was struck by the advice of my friend Sarah (“Be your own Valentine and treat yourself to something exceptional.”) and remembered this may be my last year living in New York City. So into the 5th Avenue store I marched to satisfy a 10-year-old desire. My Bone…

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So often when we post an inspiration image belonging to one of Tartooful’s own we hear from our customers that they can’t create something similar, because they can’t get the retired or unique beads…

DSCN5311So we set ourselves the challenge of creating a new necklace composition that was inspired by Cristi’s “Bleu Ombre” design.  Her original necklace contained such hard-to-find beads as “Grey Armadillo”, “Chai Bud”, “King & Queen”, and “Turquoise Dot”…

DSCN5320However, in only a matter of minutes, Cristi was able to pull a wide selection of beads our of our stock that together created an absolutely beautiful blue dye dip effect.  She began at the bottom with this iridescent “Moon Ocean” and shimmering “Eye”.

DSCN5319This “Turquoise Ribbon” is such a treat.  Unusually large for this bead design, it adds a note of interest to this necklace.  Like all the stripes, “Light Blue Stripe” reflects the light, so it…

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Gloomth & the Cult of Melancholy

I’m fancy! I dress up whenever I can, which means if I am running errands or even just going to the bank I am dressed up. I love vintage hats and have an eclectic wardrobe of vintage and handmade pieces. Clothing inspires me, challenging myself to coordinate things to express what I am interested in visually as often as possible keeps my creativity bright and lends me a sort of energy, I think.

One thing people often ask me in person is if my appearance garners negative reactions from strangers. Do people make rude comments or treat me badly because I dress exuberantly? To this I’d have to say no. Mostly I am just asked “what is the occasion” to which I reply, “I could be hit by a bus today, I wouldn’t want to die in clothes I don’t love or be mad I didn’t wear this hat before…

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Tartooful always does the best photography of Trollbeads. Beats Pandora everytime!!!



A recent comment on this blog prompted me to re-post some photos that long time readers of this forum may recognize… they all feature a brilliant, rich shade of blue that one of our accomplished designers has termed “Soulful”.


In fact, MS created an entire composition called “The Soul Bracelet”.  It’s one of her few designs that has stayed quite true to its original appearance, with only occasional tweaks and no massive shifts in palette.  For her, there is something about this particular colour combination, of rich blue and emerald green that touches her, and even has a dramatic physical impact on her.


She’s not alone in this reaction – many of our customer feel the same way about this jewel toned palette, with slight individual twists, such as this necklace belonging to BF, with its touch of violet and teal.


Trollbeads’ “Blue Flower” ring feels mystical in the depth…

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